Effective PE Treatments in Port St. Lucie: Regain Control & Confidence

Exploring PE Treatments in Port St. Lucie: Effective Solutions for Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be considered one of the most common issues that affects sexual health and cuts across all age groups of men. Besides how a man may perceive himself, it can demoralize his self-esteem and affect his interactions with people. Sometimes the management of the condition can be extremely frustrating and sensitive for the individual afflicted with this disease. Luckily for men in Port St. Lucie, there are effective PE treatments designed to help regain control and restore sexual satisfaction.

Elevate Men America specializes in a customized approach for men with premature ejaculation. The medical treatments, therapy, and lifestyle changes help men achieve results for a more sustainable outcome.

Understanding Premature Ejaculation

This condition is characterized by the fact that the person experiences premature ejaculation, which in turn means that the male is unable to control ejaculation for a sufficiently long period of time during sexual activity. This is the most common sexual problem in men, experienced by almost 30% of men at any given time. There are two types of PE primarily classified as:

  1. Primary PE:  Also known as lifelong and starting at the time a man first experiences sexual intercourse, the majority of the time, primary ED is associated with psychological or neurological issues.
  2. Secondary PE:  This develops later in life and is often due to underlying health problems such as stress, anxiety or medications.


Actually, PE is often defined as ejaculation occurring in one to two minutes after penetration. However, such time could be somewhat different, but then the condition becomes problematic once it results in frustration and reduced sexual satisfaction for either of the mates.

Common Causes of PE

To find the most effective treatment, it first is necessary to understand what the cause of premature ejaculation is. There are several causes of PE that can be psychological or physiological:

  • Anxiety and stress:  The anxiety to perform and stress can really affect sexual performance. The pressure to “perform” during intercourse leaves many men feeling haunted by anxiety.
  • Hormonal imbalance:  Low serotonin levels is primarily connected with PE. It decreases the level of brain activity controlling ejaculation.
  • Erectile dysfunction:  All those with ED live in dread of losing an erection and hence rush through coitus to prevent this loss. This results in premature ejaculation.
  • Prostate issues:  Sometimes, prostatitis or an enlarged prostate is the cause.
  • Genetics:  There do exist some genetic predispositions to early ejaculation in some men, although the connection between genetics and PE is not entirely understood.


Given the variety of causative conditions, you may wish to see a healthcare provider at Elevate Men America for an effective treatment for PE in Port St. Lucie.

Top PE Treatments in Port St. Lucie

Men seeking solutions for premature ejaculation in Port St. Lucie can breathe relief as a number of effective treatment options exist. These are aimed at the cause of the condition with an aim to rebuilding the sexual confidence of the patients.

1. Behavioral Therapy and Techniques

One of the treatment approaches that I this condition is PE behavioral therapy. These techniques are designed for helping men train themselves mentally and bodily to control ejaculation.

  • Stop-Start Technique:  This technique requires stimulation of the penis until it is about to ejaculate, then stopping until the urge to do so abates, and resuming again. After several sessions, which repeat this cycle, many men learn to control their urge to expel while having sex.
  • Squeeze Technique:  In this technique, just as in the stop-start technique, the man gently squeezes the tip of his penis a second or two prior to the point where he could ejaculate. In this way, he is able to reduce the level of excitement and postpone the urge of passing ejaculate.
  • Kegel Exercises:  These exertions are done predominantly to enhance the muscle responsible for the control of ejaculation, and its associated muscles. These exercises aid men in mastering the ability to ejaculate when they wish.


Finally, behavioral therapies are safe, non-invasive and can work wonders for men suffering from mild or moderate PE.

2. Oral Medications

Oral treatments may be appropriate in assisting men in controlling premature ejaculation in some scenarios. These drugs reduce the activity of some of the neurotransmitters in the brain affecting slightly or enhancing erection.

  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs):  They are commonly known as antidepressant drugs but have also proved to be useful in delaying ejaculation. Male patients are able to control their ejaculation for some time due to the destruction of the cestrus fluid extremes. Slightly, the maximum effect will take a couple of days to weeks after the initiation of treatment.
  • Dapoxetine:  Efficacy Dapoxetine is a fast acting selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) cuisine for PE where the impression takes no more than a few hours before coitus. It is not a medically dangerous agent whose primary function is to prolong the period men engage in sexual activity.
  • Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) Inhibitors:  Male patients with PE and ED are also placed on drugs like sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). These drugs enhance quality of erection and may even decrease premature ejaculation control.


3. Topical Anesthetics

Topical anesthetics provide a very realistic and simple device for treating PE in males who do not want oral therapies. Anesthetic creams or sprays are applied to the penis before sexual intercourse to minimize the sensation and thereby delay ejaculation.

  • Lidocaine or Prilocaine Creams:  These creams reduce the sensation of the penis that could allow for longer coitus. These creams are usually applied 10-15 minutes before penetration and removed prior to any thrusting activity so as to prevent the transmission of the numbing agent to the partner.


There also exist alternative options for men who are eager to have a treatment that works fast for premature ejaculation, not by having to pop pills every day such as topical analgesics.

4. Counseling and Psychotherapy

When men face counseling as the primary management of such cases, psychological stress, anxiety or relationship issues often being the sourced cause of PE, it can work readily. It is usually suggested that Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) assists men in understanding the thoughts and emotions associated with their PE.

  • Sex Therapy:  this type of therapy enables the patient with his sexual partner to discuss their sexual issues freely and mutually solve any causing PE.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  generally identifies no helpful thoughts and behaviors that are to be held responsible for PE. This way, the males in question have been able to deal with the issue of involuntary ejaculation and anxiety that prevents them from overcoming the problem.


5. Hormone Therapy

Hormonal treatment can be a suitable remedy for men suffering from low testosterone or serotonin levels. One of the therapies aimed at restoring these hormone levels is known as testosterone replacement therapy(TRT). It improves sexual health as well as general health.

6. Combination Therapy

In a lot of instances, the most effective way to treat PE is perhaps through combination of treatments. This may include the use of drugs and behavioral techniques or even counseling and medical treatment of PE. At Elevate Men America we will work out a treatment that suits your individual needs.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Sexual Health in Port St. Lucie

Premature ejaculation is an issue that many men encounter and is manageable. With the various PE therapies accessible in Port St. Lucie, men can take control of their sexual well-being and lead happier healthier relationships. At Elevate Men America, we take pride in offering the most effective treatment for PE.

Should you have difficulty with premature ejaculation, please do not wait to ask for help. Call us today in order to book an appointment and find out the most suitable PE treatment options available in Port St. Lucie for you.
Enhance your sexual wellbeing and rebuild your self-esteem. This is your first step.

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